Thursday, September 1, 2011

Story board - 12 images and the songs i choose

Start from a question, the main theme of the story. The question keeps zooming out of the scene.
Passing through somewhere, the models moving right side, the instruciton going up from the lieft side.
Integerate the real footage with the 3D models, showing buildings may not like the way they are.
Different perspectives of the buildings
Use 3D models to animate a scene to metaphor the feeling of the buildings
Another metaphor
Story reverse play, change to the scene but shows different perspective and style, means the reality may not like what it is. Could be better.
Look around the environment, different styles.
It doesn't feel like what it looks like, it could be better could be worse.
The outward of the mechine-like buildings. Integerate the scene with the instructions.
The instructions, go through the entire video as a explaination of what a building might think of.
Happy ending

First song:  Our Lives, Our Destinies - Mindthings

 Second song: Our lives - The Calling

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